Les Affaires ranks LJT Lawyers 3rd in long-term growth
LJT Lawyers ranks 3rd in long-term growth according to Les grands du droit, published by Les Affaires newspaper
LJT Lawyers stands out in the annual ranking for the largest law firms in the province of Quebec by its growth from 2018 to 2019 and its long-term evolution.
The latest ranking of the newspaper Les Affaires recognizes LJT Lawyers for the year 2018-2019 a growth of 15% of its staff.
In addition, LJT Lawyers stood out in the category of long-term staff evolution for major law firms, positioning itself in 3rd place with a growth of 42% in 5 years.
This growth is a reflection of the quality of our law professionals at LJT Lawyers, their versatility, talent and their pragmatic approach.
LJT Lawyers is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. We are confident and excited about what the future holds.
Me Christian Joly, Managing partner.
Discover the annual report by clicking here.
Discover the overall raking by click here.
Articles are available in French.
About Les grands du droit, Les Affaires
Les grands de droit rankings is a special annual issue of Les Affaires newspaper that highlights the largest law firms in the province of Quebec. The ranking is calculated based on the number of employees according to the general statistics of the firms that have ranked.